There's this thing in my family that we call “Kizis Points,” which is a loosely running tab of who’s come up with semi-clever work arounds in times of mild adversity. Like discovering that duct tape will remove tiny cacti thorns from a screaming child’s hand, or that if you’re top is transparent and you don’t have a bra—for reasons you may want to keep to yourself—you can slap on two strategically placed Band-Aids and go on your merry way.
One can also lose Kizis Points for doing things that are irretrievably dumb. Like when my dad pressure washed the windows of our house while they were open. Or the many times I’ve run into a glass door en route to a swimming pool. (I live in California; it happens more often than you’d think.)
Perhaps Kizis Points are why I love to write about ingenuity and triumph, with the occasional dash of foolishness and loss. We never have one for long before we get smacked with the other, but that makes for a great story, don’t you think?
I write personal essays and reported pieces. I cover culture, health, architecture, design, Hollywood, and broken hearts. I’ve written about Why Not to Date George Clooney and What Happens When My Child Realizes I Have an Autoimmune Disease, and I’ve done more celebrity profiles than I can count. (That said, sipping whiskey with Matthew McConnaughey while talking about the nature of the universe was exactly as great as it sounds.) My work has appeared in Elle magazine, where I was the West Coast editor, and in Harper’s Bazaar, where I was a contributor. I was a reporter at Entertainment Weekly and People, my byline has appeared in Glamour, Allure, Self, Vanity Fair,The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Los Angeles Magazine, Cosmo, Details, Redbook, Nylon, Hunker, Elle Décor, Architectural Digest, Domino and more.
As a screenwriter, I’ve staffed on Eye Candy and The Shannara Chronicles, and have written movies and pilots you’ve never seen because sometimes people Hollywood buy things that they don’t make the way the rest of us go to Michael’s to buy a macramé project that we don’t finish. And yet we still love them, now and forever.
As an author, I’ve published two well-received novels and have appeared in numerous anthologies. My latest, a children’s book called Please Don’t Read This Book!, is out now. Please do check it out here.
Should you like to read my work, you can find it here.
Now if you will please excuse me, I have a glass door to smash into. After all, it’s not going to smash itself.